In BC, an organization called Recycle BC is responsible for residential plastic packaging collection and recycling. Government regulations stipulate that Recycle BC must approve the end markets for all of their materials before they are transferred. In the case of plastic, 99 percent remains in Canada, processed by Merlin Plastics. Less than 1% of plastic is shipped overseas in the form of densified polystyrene, and this constitutes only a portion of the foam they collect.This foam is used in picture frames. For more information about how they manage the plastics they collect, see their annual reports and their response to the 2019 CBC Marketplace story. For more information, please contact Recycle BC.

Plastic that originates from institutional, commercial, or industrial sources may be recycled through plastic recycling service providers on a contract or ad-hoc basis, and may be processed locally or shipped to processing facilities abroad depending on market availability.

About RCBC

We’re BC’s trusted source of information on local curbside recycling services, province-wide Extended Producer Responsibility and stewardship programs, share, reuse and repair options, as well as best practices from around the world.