How Can We Help Today?

Call or email our Environmental Advisors with your questions.

Lower Mainland

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About Us

With our Recycling Hotline and online Recyclepedia, we provide BC residents, businesses and governments with the single most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information on local curbside recycling services, province-wide Extended Producer Responsibility and stewardship programs, and share, reuse and repair options, as well as best practices from around the world.  Find out what we’re all about, and meet our Board of Directors and staff team.

Nominations now Open for the 2025 RCBC Environmental Awards!

Each year, we recognize innovative and inspirational individuals, businesses, and organizations for their work towards a more sustainable BC. Nominations are open until Earth Day, April 22nd!


Take a deeper dive and find out more about what we do, whom we work with, and what you can do.

Information Services

We’re here to answer recycling questions from the residents of BC.  We’ve been providing information and education about BC programs and services for more than 30 years.

Events & Education

We partner and collaborate with governments, private sector organizations, non-profits, community groups, and academia to hold space for constructive dialogue on innovation and solutions.

Initiatives & Policy

Find out more about zero waste and circular economy policies, programs and projects, the latest research, and what you can do.

Impact Stats

We’re making a difference every day through our Information Services program.



Recyclepedia on the web is the most comprehensive recycling resource for BC.



Our staff refer BC residents to recycling and various other resources every day on the phone.



Our app for Android and iOS is an easy way to look for drop-off points.



Our Information Services program started answering recycling questions in 1990.

What is a Circular Economy?

In today’s linear economy, the production of goods and services extracts materials from the environment and produces waste that must be disposed of or recycled. In a circular economy, there is no such thing as waste. Waste and pollution are designed out of the system as products and materials are kept in use, and natural systems are regenerated.

Upcoming Webinar

We don’t have any webinars scheduled, but stay tuned!

Recent News

Catch up on the latest info about what’s happening at RCBC and across the zero waste and circular economy sectors…

Current Collaborations

We work with myriad organizations to conduct research, collaborate on innovation, and hold space for dialogue.