RCBC is a partner in the Canada Plastics Pact. CPP is a unique multi-stakeholder, industry-led, cross-value chain collaboration platform which aims to tackle plastic packaging waste and pollution by bringing together businesses, government, non-governmental organizations and other key actors in the local plastics value chain. The goal is is to create a circular economy in which plastic waste is kept in the economy and out of the environment.

Community Committee
Metro Vancouver is undergoing a review and update process for the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan, a document which contains goals and objectives for the management of garbage and recyclable materials. This update process seeks to identify opportunities for accelerated waste reduction and diversion while reducing greenhouse gases and promoting a circular economy

Board Member
RCBC participates as a member of the National Zero Waste Council Management Board. The National Zero Waste Council seeks to act collaboratively with business, government and the community, at the national and international level, as an agent of change for waste prevention and reduction in the design, production and use of goods.